All the Daisy Chain staff
are fully qualified.

Learning, exploring & growing together

DaisyChain preschool Offers term time care for 2-5-year-olds, in a safe, friendly, exciting environment in which they develop their desire to explore and learn

Each holds their own relevant childcare qualification, N.N.E.B or level 3, First Aid, Safeguarding, Prevent Duty and Senco.
Daisy Chain Pre School Old Coulsdon

Opening Times

A minimum of two mornings a week are required

The children are encouraged to find their own named peg and hang up their coat and bag. They then self register finding their name on their daisy and placing it on the welcome board, this encourages independence and name recognition.
We sit together on the carpet and say “Good Morning” each child is welcomed individually by the member of staff who is taking circle time and the children are encouraged to say good morning back or even just give us a wave. We work alphabetically through the register choosing a different child each day to stand up and count the children (only if they wish to do so) This encourages self confidence and number skills, when they have finished counting how many children there are they try to see if they can find the numbers from our number chart. We then talk about the day of the week, the date, the weather and the season. After that a story is read which is always based on our weekly theme. Children enjoy circle time as its a great way to interact with staff and develop social skills as well as offering various other learning opportunities.
During this time the children are able to make their own choices of what they would like to play with, choosing from a variety of activities. These have been selected to follow our termly topic and are changed weekly to follow the theme. They include home corner, computer, large construction and small construction, climbing frame and slide, creative table, messy play, writing and drawing table, maths table and small world. Adults provide encouragement and emphasis is put on sharing with others. Your child’s key worker will also do planned focus activities based around your child’s interests , linking to EYFS.
Each child will go to the welcome board and find their daisy, they will then give this to a member of staff who is taking snack time. Each child will be called, a maximum of 5 at a time, to come and wash their hands and sit down for snack time. We provide either milk or water to drink (if your child has an allergy we are happy for you provide an alternative) and a healthy snack is offered, there is a choice of a piece of fruit or vegetable and another item, brioche, pitta bread, breadstick, biscuit, scotch pancake etc. The children are able to choose 1 snack item and are encouraged to pour their own drink. Snack time is a very sociable time, the children actively engage in conversation with each other, sharing stories and experiences.
The children love to play outside and can free flow between playing in or out, we like to let them explore the outside area as often as possible during each session. We have a wide variety of equipment, mud kitchen, sand tray, water play, cars and tricycles, bats and balls, hoops, stepping stones and stilts etc. In the Spring/Summer term the children enjoy planting tomatoes, strawberries, cucumber and sunflowers. This is a great way for them to learn about the natural world around them, developing an understanding of growth and change, caring for living things in the environment.
We play our tidy up music and the children are encouraged to help put the toys away. Stickers are rewarded on occasion for fantastic tidying!
The children have story and singing time. They go in two separate groups according to age. This is a lovely time for them to relax before going home, each member of staff will read a couple of age appropriate stories and will then sing some songs. The children are encouraged to interact with singing, they often like to choose their own songs to sing to the group. We also have musical instruments which they like to play, helping them to understand Rhythm.
Children all sit on the carpet and we call out each child individually when their parent has arrived to collect them.
The children are encouraged to find their own named peg and hang up their coat and bag. They then self register finding their name on their daisy and placing it on the welcome board, this encourages independence and name recognition.
We all sit together on the carpet and sing our ‘good morning song’ the children love to join in with this, it’s a lovely way to make everyone feel welcome. We then do a group count to see how many children we have at daisy chain today, and the children enjoy all counting together. Afterwards we sing our ‘days of the week’ song, this is great fun and the children clap along as they count the days, a fantastic fun way of learning for all ages. Lastly we look at our letter sound, colour, number and shape for that week, the children like to join in and it leads on to much discussion. Circle time is such a great way for the children to interact with each other as well as staff, it helps to develop social skills as well as offering various other learning opportunities.

During this time the children are able to make their own choices of what they would like to play with, choosing from a variety of activities. These have been selected to follow our termly topic and are changed weekly to follow the theme. They include home corner, computer, large construction and small construction, climbing frame and slide, creative table, messy play, writing and drawing table, maths table and small world. Adults provide encouragement and emphasis is put on sharing with others.

Each child will go to the welcome board and find their daisy, they will then give this to a member of staff who is taking snack time. Each child will be called, a maximum of 5 at a time, to come and wash their hands and sit down for snack time. We provide either milk or water to drink (if your child has an allergy we are happy for you provide an alternative) and a healthy snack is offered, there is a choice of a piece of fruit or vegetable and another item, brioche, pitta bread, breadstick, biscuit, scotch pancake etc. The children are able to choose 1 snack item and are encouraged to pour their own drink. Snack time is a very sociable time, the children actively engage in conversation with each other, sharing stories and experiences.
The children love to play outside and can free flow between playing in or out, we like to let them explore the outside area as often as possible during each session. We have a wide variety of equipment, mud kitchen, sand tray, water play, cars and tricycles, bats and balls, hoops, stepping stones and stilts etc. In the Spring/Summer term the children enjoy planting tomatoes, strawberries, cucumber and sunflowers. This is a great way for them to learn about the natural world around them, developing an understanding of growth and change, caring for living things in the environment.
We play our tidy up music and the children are encouraged to help put the toys away. Stickers are rewarded on occasion for fantastic tidying!
Children all sit on the carpet and we call out each child individually when their parent has arrived to collect them.

Children and staff sit together at the table to eat lunch. Children are encouraged to bring in a healthy lunch. They are encouraged to eat their sandwich and vegetables first (savory) before having anything else.

For some healthy lunch box ideas please click here 

About Daisy Chain

Daisy Chain preschool has been established since 1985 and offers term time care for 2-5year olds in a safe, friendly, exciting environment in which they develop their desire to explore and learn.
Our aim is to provide for the diverse needs of all children and families, working in close partnership with parents and carers.

We base our curriculum on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework which provides guidance to early years workers to support children in their physical, emotional and mental learning from birth to the end of their Reception year in school.

We have a high proportion of qualified staff that continue to update their knowledge offering your child a better standard of care and understanding in which they can blossom.

We operate a “keyworker” system in which each child is assigned to a particular member of staff. This helps to build bonds between child and staff, easing the settling in process.

They will observe, plan, and track the children’s progress following the EYFS framework. This is then uploaded onto each individual child’s kinderly profile. Kinderly is an online learning journey that enables parents and carers to be able to view their child’s progress anytime.

Fees at present are £7 per hour.

Fees are payable each half term in advance via bank transfer. Refunds are not made for absence. (Fees for long term absence may be negotiable). Daisy Chain accepts funding for 2,3 and 4 year olds, for more information on funding please click here

We also arrange termly meetings with parents in order for them to look through the learning journey and discuss their child’s progress.

At Daisy Chain we aim to provide for the diverse needs of all children and families. Working in close partnership with parents and carers.

They will observe, plan and track the children’s progress following the EYFS framework recording this in each individual child’s “Learning Journey” parents are welcome to view and discuss their child’s records at anytime with the keyworker.


Monday 12 September

Friday 21 October
Monday 31st October
Wednesday 14th December

Christmas Holiday

Thursday 4th January

Friday 10 February

Half Term

Monday 20 February
Friday 31 March

Easter Holiday

Monday 17 April
Friday 26 May

Half term

Monday 05 June
Wednesday 19th July

Term Dates 2023-2024

Autumn Term

Monday 11th September
Friday 20th October
Monday 30th October
Wednesday 13th December
Party & Concert Day 14th December

Spring Term

Monday 8th January
Friday 9th February
Monday 19th February
Thursday 28th March

Summer Term

Monday 15th April
Friday 24th May
Monday 3rd June
Friday 19th July

Inset day Friday 5th July

Our Team

Each staff member is qualified to NVQ level 3 or equivalent, they hold an up to date paediatric first aid certificate and are all safeguard trained.

Louise Keyzer

Owner/Manager/DSL Lead

Jennie Waite

Assistant Manager/DSL Deputy

Lisa Arnold

Deputy Manager/DSL Deputy

Lisa Barnes

Pre School Assistant

Justine White

Pre School Assistant

Georgie Emery

Pre School Assistant

Fatima Chen

1-1 Keyworker

Fran Cole

Pre School Assistant

Georgie Emery

Pre School Assistant

Tracey Phillips

Pre School Assistant

Fabiana Ronco

Pre School Assistant 1-1
Daisy Chain Pre School Old Coulsdon

Thank you so much!

“She really likes to come to Daisy Chain and enjoys all the activities. I have seen her more confident and
chatty. It was a pleasure as a parent to find a place like this! Thank you so much for looking after my
little one.”


Daisy Chain Pre School


Daisy Chain Pre School Old Coulsdon
“She really likes to come to Daisy Chain and enjoys all the activities. I have seen her more confident and chatty. It was a pleasure as a parent to find a place like this! Thank you so much for looking after my little one.”
Daisy Chain Pre School Old Coulsdon

Very Pleased!

"Sophia is really enjoying Daisy Chain, we are so pleased that she settled in well. She is having a wonderful learning experience at nursery and talks about what she has done when she is at home."

- Parent

Daisy Chain Pre School

- Parent

Daisy Chain Pre School Old Coulsdon
"Sophia is really enjoying Daisy Chain, we are so pleased that she settled in well. She is having a wonderful learning experience at nursery and talks about what she has done when she is at home."
Daisy Chain Pre School Old Coulsdon

Thank you!

“Dylan has really enjoyed his last few months in Daisy Chain. He has grown in confidence and his
development is clear to see, thank you.”

- Parent

Daisy Chain Pre School

- Parent

Daisy Chain Pre School Old Coulsdon
“Dylan has really enjoyed his last few months in Daisy Chain. He has grown in confidence and his development is clear to see, thank you.”
Daisy Chain Pre School

Contact Us

    Registration form

    Please use CAPITALS to complete. 

      Useful Information For Families

      At Daisy Chain we like to work in partnership with our families, providing quality care and education whether that’s in the preschool or at home. Please find below some useful links to various websites which we hope you find useful.

      If your looking for some simple fun activities to do at home there are some really great websites available which provide a range of different ways to support your child’s learning at home, below are some links to a few of our favourites… 

      For tips and ideas on preparing a healthy lunch box, “change for life” has some good ideas, just click the link below to have a look…
      It can be quite tricky at times encouraging children to brush their teeth, at Daisy Chain we involve the children in fun activities to encourage good oral health, the NHS website has also got some good tips…. 
      Keeping our children safe online is of utmost importance to use, the technology we use at Daisy Chain have parental controls in place and children never use the computer unattended. For information on how to set parental controls on your devices at home as well as lots of useful advice on internet safety and young children, please click the following link…